I'm Colby St Gelais (Saint Juh-Lay). I love to create. Video and photo are what I do most, but honestly I'll make anything. I enjoy seeing projects form in my mind and turning them into reality. Cameras have called my name for years, and being able to create works of art that make people feel something is the most fulfilling thing I can do. I work on my mustang in my free time and it's invigorating doing physical work as well. It's an '07, so it needs some love and care. ;) My passion is in content creation because I want to make a difference in the world. Videos are one of the best ways to influence others, so what better way to make an impact and help people.
Some kids dreamt of being princes and princesses. That dream never appealed to me, but I do I think I'd look epic in a crown.
Videos aren't my only passion. I love to make fun AI art, I'm a decent breakdancer, and I can mess someone up using jujitsu or a bo staff (not that I ever have).

Once upon a time, I made a couple of light-hearted video series while volunteering as a missionary. You can check them out if you want to laugh and/or cringe. Called to Tech and So What is it Anyways?